Many independent reviews have shown that the Lidcombe Program has the best research evidence of all stuttering treatments for children younger than 6 years.

But how does it work? What are the treatment agents?
A recent study* has questioned whether the verbal contingencies, around which the treatment is built, are necessary to get the treatment effects.
The study was what is called a called a non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial.
The results of this trial were inconclusive, leading the researchers to conclude, that “it is possible that verbal contingencies make some contribution to the Lidcombe Program treatment effect (p 3419).”
The researchers stated that the trial provides no justification for the routine removal of verbal contingencies from the Lidcombe Program.
However, they also stated that if, for whatever reason, a clinician decided to withdraw some or all of the verbal contingencies from a child’s treatment, it is unlikely that the child’s treatment would suffer.
Key Points:
  • The Lidcombe Program should be delivered as indicated in the treatment manual
  • Use The Lidcombe Program Reflective Clinical Questions to problem solve and use clinical judgement when treatment is not progressing. See JCSLP Volume 19 Number 3 2017.
  • Consider reducing or eliminating verbal contingencies with children who strongly dislike them or with very young children (2-3 year olds) who need intervention to reduce stuttering but are too young for the Lidcombe Program

* Donaghy, M., O’Brian, S., Onslow, M., Lowe, R., Jones, M. & Menzies, R. G. (2020). Verbal contingencies in the Lidcombe Program: A noninferiority trial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 3419–3431.